About Megan


Welcome to the “about me” section of my food blog!  My name is Megan Woolbert and I am a junior at Lehigh University.  As a senior in High School, I was required to complete a “senior project”.  For my project I created this blog to exercise my love for writing and to teach myself how to cook.

When it comes to food there isn’t anything I won’t try.  Most children ask for the “kids” menu when they eat at a restaurant.  I’ve been ordering from the adult menu since the minute I opened my mouth. When children my age were eating chicken nuggets my Mom served my brother and me veal piccata or baked penne in bechamel sauce. As some of my friends like to say: I’m the type of girl who isn’t afraid to devour a rack of barbequed ribs while wearing my favorite sundress.  It’s clear that I have no issues with my appetite but before I started this blog, I lacked skills in the kitchen.  The extent of my culinary abilities were limited to microwaving Campbell’s soup and making turkey sandwiches.  As a result, I used this blog (similar to what Julie Powell did with Julia Child) to put my appreciation of food into practice.  I spent three weeks cooking for my friends and family, blogging about food related topics, and gaining valuable cooking experience.

Fast forward two years.  I graduated High School (yes, I passed my senior project!) and am finally at Lehigh pursuing a major in Journalism and Mass Communication and minors in Business and Psychology.  I now use “Food and Freckles” to continue to write and blog about the delicious world of food.

Please enjoy my blog, don’t hesitate to leave comments or ask questions!

Yours truly,


8 thoughts on “About Megan

  1. Meg:
    This sounds wonderful…I just made an amazing onion tart (thanks to Ina Garten) which was easy and delicious.
    Happy to share the recipe if you want…
    xoxo fay

  2. Hey Megan,

    Just spent the past 15 minutes marveling at your blog! I love this idea and everything you’ve made looks fantastic! Good for you doing something you seem to be enjoying! Good luck!!!


  3. Megan,
    This is a terrific idea. As for what I can share, my strategy was to marry a man who cooks better than me! (and still does). But I share your interest in learning how to be more adept in the kitchen and have been enjoying taking a stab at some new recipes when time permits. I have an Asian slaw recipe that I’d be happy to share that’s a crowd pleaser.
    Good luck with this project and congrats on going to Lehigh!
    All the best,

  4. aww meg, this is great! i love it! I’m definitely giving my mom these recipes to try out for dinner this week and ill tell ya how they work out for her! i bet they are going to be delicious.

    love youuu

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