Food Advertisements: selling food or sex?

Whether we are conscious of it or not, food advertisements affect women’s body image and self-esteem.  Print and television food ads use sex appeal and references to losing weight to sell products.   Many advertisement agencies mislead consumers through the use of extensive airbrush techniques that enhance the appearance of models and the food they sell.

Most messages behind these ads are derogatory towards women, presenting them as sex symbols to sell food.  After searching around the Internet I was able to find a handful of these types of advertisements.  Take a look below but remember that the next time you’re flipping through a magazine or watching a commercial it’s important to pay attention to what you view and not let it affect you negatively!

Heinz “Hot Ketchup”

Heinz “Hot Ketchup” ad campaign pictures food that is arranged in the shape of a naked woman.  I find it funny that without the Heinz brand logo in the top right corner I would have no idea that this is an ad for ketchup!

Pepsi Skinny Can

Pepsi developed a “skinny can” for their diet pepsi with zero calories.  Even the bottle references being thin!

Yoplait Yogurt

This controversial Yoplait Yogurt ad shows a woman obsessing over her weight.  Many people argue that this commercial promotes eating disorders.

Burger King “BK Girls”

Burger King’s advertisement strategy includes women in bikinis.  How original.

Corona Extra

This Corona Extra advertisement shows the bottom half of a model slightly pulling down her bathing suit.  At the bottom right corner of the ad the words “veria es quereria” are displayed.  This translates to: “what you see is what you want.”

Carl’s Junior Commercial

I don’t know about Kim Kardashian but normal people eat salad with a fork at the kitchen table.

Dunkin’ Donuts

Dunkin’ Donuts “Give In” print advertisements picture highly airbrushed models wearing lipstick that resemble different donuts.

Pretzel Crisps

Pretzel Crips ad tells consumers that “you can never be too thin.”  Actually, you can.